Goiz Argi

Fermín Calbetón, 4 - Parte Vieja (Old Town)

Any trip to Donostia must include a pilgrimage to Bar Goiz Argi for their famous gambas – tasty skewers of griddled prawns with a vinegary, pepper dressing, served on a slice of bread. Remove the skewer from the prawns before you bite into them, and throw your napkin on the floor when you’re done wiping your fingers!

The menu is shown in multiple languages on display screens around the narrow bar, and you can’t go wrong whatever you choose. Here are some favourites.

  • Brocheta de gamba – skewered prawns
  • Chipiron a la plancha – griddled baby squid
  • Moruno de carne – a deep fried pork kebab
  • Morcilla – lovely black pudding
  • Pimentos de Padrón – those fantastic little peppers, every so often you got a spicy one!

Easily one of the best pintxo bars in San Sebastián.